Saturday, February 25, 2012

WAXING - a solution for women

The Rules of Waxing - Tips

• make sure the hair is long enough before you wax - go hippie chic for at least 2 weeks prior to let hair grow in
• no extreme heat or exercise for 24 hours following a wax - this includes sunbathing, saunas and hot tubs
• and the golden rule - DO NOT SHAVE in between waxes!

Once you overlook the temporary pain, at-home waxing is mighty tempting. But before you try that waxing kit you bought, read these essential tips so you wind up with smooth, hair-free skin -- not ingrowns and frustration.
1. Prevent ingrown hair by exfoliating and moisturizing
Before and after waxing, regularly and gently exfoliate skin, with either a body scrub or a washcloth or bath pouf, and moisturize skin with a light lotion after.
2. DON'T: Try to wax hair that's too short or too long
For ideal waxing conditions, hair should be between 1/4 inch and 3/4 inch long. Any shorter and the wax won't be able to adhere well enough.
3. Use baby powder pre-wax
After cleansing your skin, sprinkle a bit of baby powder to the area about to be waxed
4. Apply and pull in the right direction
Always apply wax in the direction of hair growth, it allows the wax to adhere more fully. After spreading on the wax, place the cloth strip over the wax and press it down firmly using strokes also in the same direction as hair growth. Leave the strip on for a few seconds to set.
5. Apply pressure post wax
Immediately after removing the cloth strip, apply pressure to the waxed area to help relieve the pain and make skin less sensitive
6. DON'T: Wax the same area more than twice
7. DON'T: Pick at ingrown hairs
Although it's tempting, picking at ingrowns won't help, and it may lead to infection. If you have a stubborn ingrown, soak in warm water to soften the skin, gently exfoliate the area and apply a salicylic acid treatment to help further exfoliate the area.
8. If you're taking strong acne medications (which can make skin extra-sensitive), have a sunburn or have any sort of immune system or circulation issues, you shouldn't wax.
Also, waxing your bikini area two days before or after your period can be more painful than other times because your skin is more sensitive

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